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Mediterranean Diet Good for Kids, Teens Too

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- The Mediterranean diet improved cardiometabolic health among kids and teens, a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials affirmed. Interventions following the diet's characteristic emphasis on fruit, vegetables, olive oil.

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Mediterranean Diet Tied to Lower Mortality Risk in Cancer Survivors

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- Long-term cancer survivors tended to live longer if they consumed a Mediterranean diet, analysis of an Italian cohort study found. With a follow-up of almost 13 years, survivors with high adherence to the diet had a 32% lower.

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Brain Risks Drop When Diet Includes More Minimally Processed Foods

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- A diet high in ultra-processed foods upped the risk of cognitive impairment or stroke, data from the prospective REGARDS study showed. However, risk of either cognitive decline or stroke fell for people who had higher intake.

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Mediterranean Diet Linked to Improved Markers of Cardiometabolic Health in Children, Adolescents


Promoting adherence to a Mediterranean diet in children improves cardiometabolic health biomarkers, according to a new study.

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Here Are the Top Diets for 2024

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- It's the season for resolutions -- and the annual "Best Diets" rankings from U.S. For 2024, the Mediterranean diet once again took the top spot for best overall diet. News & World Report. With its emphasis on intake of.

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Delaying diabetes with diet and exercise for four years results in better long-term health

Science Daily - Heart Disease

Individuals diagnosed with prediabetes can reduce their long-term risk of death and diabetes-related health complications if they delay the onset of diabetes for just four years through diet and exercise, according to new findings.

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Mediterranean diet linked to lower risk of mortality, especially from cardiovascular disease, in cancer survivors

Medical Xpress - Cardiology

The Mediterranean diet is a powerful ally for health even after a cancer diagnosis. This is the key result of an Italian study carried out as part of the UMBERTO Project, conducted by the Joint Research Platform Umberto Veronesi Foundation—Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of the I.R.C.C.S.

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