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Which Anticoagulant Is Safest for Afib Patients With Cirrhosis?

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- Apixaban (Eliquis) was associated with lower serious bleeding rates than rivaroxaban (Xarelto) or warfarin in patients with cirrhosis and atrial fibrillation (AF, Afib) in a nationwide cohort study. Among more than 12,000 such.

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Serious Issues With Slow Heartbeat Flagged for Afib Patients on Antiarrhythmics

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- Old concerns about the safety of rhythm control drugs for atrial fibrillation (Afib or AF) resurfaced in a contemporary large Korean population-based study. Afib patients prescribed antiarrhythmic drugs (AADs) had several-fold.

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Cedars-Sinai Detects AFib with Echo AI


A Cedars-Sinai-led team developed an echocardiography AI model that accurately detects patients with atrial fibrillation – including asymptomatic patients – potentially revealing a new “opportunistic screening” method to drive earlier AFib detection and treatment. AUC identifying patients with a history of AFib.

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Afib Might Be a Not-So-Pleasant Aftertaste of Sweetened Beverages

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- Overconsumption of beverages with added sugar or artificial sweetener, already associated with several cardiometabolic diseases, showed new links to atrial fibrillation (Afib or AF) in a prospective cohort study. Within the.

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AFib Associated With Higher Mortality in Patients With CIEDs

American College of Cardiology

Device-recognized atrial fibrillation (AFib) may be associated with a higher risk of all-cause mortality in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs), according to a study published in Circulation.

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Mediterranean Diet After Afib Ablation: Maybe?

Med Page Today

(MedPage Today) -- BOSTON -- An olive oil-enhanced Mediterranean diet didn't help prevent atrial fibrillation (Afib, or AF) recurrence after ablation in the PREDIMAR randomized trial, although there was a signal for benefit in paroxysmal cases.

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FDA Update: Agency Qualifies Apple AFib History Feature as an MDDT

American College of Cardiology

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on May 1 that the Apple Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) History Feature now qualifies as a Medical Device Development Tool (MDDT) to assess AFib burden estimates within clinical studies.